Creating a legacy that lives beyond you.

This book is valuable and inspirational guide to the various types of assistance that are so desperately needed in these uncertain times. From mental health and wellness to healthcare to living a better life to just surviving, this book is filled with lifesaving and life-changing information for those who need help and those who are looking for ways to help others

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John is one of the worlds most inspirational speakers today. Mr. Smith’s unique journey to success has effortlessly ignited a fire to his audience.

Mr. Smith is an unconventional keynote speaker, highly sought after by large cooperations across the U.S., his charismatic energy, take his audience on an uplifting journey of self discovery and perseverance.

Life's true meaning comes from what you give rather than what you get. John's story beautifully illustrates for us how to get more meaning in our own lives while helping to enhance the lives of others.

Betsy Westhafer, Publisher, ThoughtMasters Magazine, High Performance Coach, Marketing Executive at Savavo